Monday, February 8, 2010

"Mom's Bible: God's Wisdom for Mothers" notes by Bobbie Wolgemuth

I am enjoying using the Mom’s Bible for my daily bible reading and devotions. It offers a nice change of pace from a more scholarly study bible. It is enlightening to try a different translation once in awhile and tends to make God’s word “fresh” after becoming familiar with a favorite translation. I usually read an NIV bible and this NCV is similar but different enough so that I am not anticipating the wording of each verse and it forces me to read more carefully, which is a good thing. I like that this bible, even though it is hardcover, is not too big and bulky to carry to church, yet has a nice size print that is easy to read. While each book does offer an introduction, I would prefer a little more information, such as the date the book was written and the original audience it was written to. I agree with other reviewers who have said it is not one I would use as a study bible. However, the focus of the notes, written by Bobbie Wolgemuth, is to highlight mothers throughout scripture, and it does a good job of this. It is interesting to contemplate familiar bible stories from a different angle. Spotlighting how women both in the forefront of these stories, and sometimes behind the scenes, fit into and contributed to the bible is fun. Also encouraging is to realize none of these biblical mothers was perfect, yet they were loved and used by God. My absolutely favorite part of this bible is the section in the back entitled “Answers to Questions Kids Ask”. This in itself is a valuable resource for moms who face never ending questions about all things, including God’s Word. Included are answers to such questions as “was Jesus really born on Dec. 25th?”, and “why can’t we see God?”. So helpful for a mom who wants to be biblically accurate in what she is teaching her children. Overall a great everyday bible for moms.