Sunday, January 31, 2010

How to Reach Your Full Potential For God By Charles Stanley

Book Review

A thought provoking book that requires one to ask some deep questions such as "am I really living the life God has planned for me, or am I just settling?". Stanley pointedly explores the idea of living a spirit led, God glorifying life and going beyond just merely existing. I found myself getting uncomfortable at points with the no holds barred approach Stanley takes, only to realize it was because what he says is so true. So may people accept an "ok" life and don't even dream of the abundant existence that God truly has for us in Christ. Though it can be hard to hear, I think Stanley's points are dead on and require some much needed deeper examination of our true goals and motives in life. To live to your full potential for God is something that takes daily and intentional time and energy. Some of the requirements, as taught by Stanley, are a hunger for God and a willingness to put Him first. If you posses these desires and wish to grow closer to God as you follow His lead to the life He has for you, then this book is for you. The book doesn't stop with outlining the kind of life that is possible, but actually gives some very practical advice on attaining it. This is a book to read prayerfully and return to again and again to make sure you don't stray from the path that leads to the abundant life God has for you.