Friday, February 26, 2010

Kaleidoscope Seeing God's Way and Wisdom in a Whole New Light

Patsy Clairmont's book on Proverbs was a very quick and easy read. Each chapter is short and to the point, which I found refreshing. Even though it is a book you could read in a sitting or two, it packs a powerful punch. I recommended this book to a friends who was looking for a personal bible study to work on in between bible studies at church. This would also be a great addition to one’s daily devotion time. This is not an in depth study of the book of Proverbs, but rather the author chooses a few of the wise teachings to focus on. I found the author’s take on some of the Proverbs to be fresh and informative. Personal real life examples make the lessons even more applicable and the timeless lessons of proverbs seem to take on new meaning. Ending each chapter are personal reflection questions that could also be used in a small group setting. This is the first book I have read by this author, and based on it, I am interested in reading her others. It is nice to add some humorous insight to bible study sometimes, an this is just what Patsy Clairmont does with Kaleidoscope.